Skærmbillede 2015-06-24 kl. 19.20.45

Soon everybody is on summer holiday, and we all wanna look fit and flawless in our bikinis. So before heading off on tropical vacations, now is a good time for all that healthy stuff, which makes our body´s look great. Heres 30 days healthy living, to make you fit and glowing for summer!

A lot of people say, that the key to getting a good looking body, is working out and eating little. Yes working out is good, but eating little has nothing to do with getting fit. You have to eat the right things.

You might think meat is good, because of the proteins, but you can get proteins a lot other ways. Meet is actually not thet healthy, and especially if your wanting that skinny, healthy body. Drop the meat, and go vegetarian, you dont have to do it the rest of your life, just do it for the next 30 days, and if you cant, then try cutting a little meat of your meals every day. It isn’t as hard as it looks! Here comes a list of things to do.

  1. Cut off meat from you meals.
  2. Every morning, drink a cup of water with half a squeezed lemon.
  3. Check out this link, and do that every day, 30 days of yoga.
  4. Drink matcha tea every sekund day.
  5. Do pilates every fourth day, heres a good video.
  6. Drink almond, soya or risemilk, instead of cows milk.
  7. Eat plant butter, and goats cheese, instead of dairy.
  8. Eat fruit and nuts every morning, and make sure your diet is balanced.
  9. Get off the sofa, and make your own meals.
  10. Go for a walk once in a while.
  11. Drink two cups of water every morning, evening and efternoon.
  12. Eat lots of greens, fruit and nuts, and stay away from fast food.
  13. If eating any animals, eat fresh fish, stay away from tuna always.
  14. Go to bed early, and wake up early.
  15. Run up and down your street five times a day.
  16. Make sure you take it easy, and do not stress, take your time.
  17. Listen to music every day, clean your room for ten minutes a day, and smile, nothing works unless your happy!